Leda was founded by Leokadia Koseska in 1935 in Warsaw, Poland. She developed her skills in doctor Lonzynski’s school of cosmetics in Warsaw and practised under the supervision of prof C.Sandler. From 1937, she ran a beauty salon with her own products in Warsaw at 40 Nowy Świat Street, being also a manager and co-owner of the Licinski co. "Ormil", the factory which produced chemicals and cosmetics. In 1938, she went to Paris in order to take "Cédib" courses. After World War II The Laboratory of Cosmetics and Perfumes "Leocadie" was reactivated in Lodz at 51 Struga Street, offering the products of Leda. The company also manufactured under license of the Paris company "De Trevise" during the postwar period. In the 50s the founder’s husband, Jan Koseski, helped the company in achieving success and growing futher. Leda participated in many events, such as, for example the first postwar Poznan International Fair in 1947 and had its advertisements in prestigious journals (e.g.“Przekrój”), as well as in Polish Film Cronicle. Moreover, Leda produced their own calendars. Since the 80s the company has been run by Leokadia’s daughter, Catherine Koseska-Horden - a graduate of the University of Lodz, Faculty of Chemistry. She was a researcher in Herb and Fragrance Department of Technical University of Lodz as well and continued her professional career, in numerous laboratories, such as ”Uroda” in Warsaw or “Herbapol” in Lodz. The founder’s granddaughter, Joanna Diana, continues the family tradition up to present times.

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